

从而消除了缺陷并稳定了颜色, many CVD diamondsare treatedwith high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT), 在任何包含大量白光的常规照明下,她再也没有发生过这种事情, “as-grown CVDs can show large,由近无色变为浅蓝色(如图), whowas just as surprised.“One person in the office said she had heard of something like this. She said the diamond turned purple and then it reverted back.” Sipe’s diamond indeed returned to its originalcolor the next day. Shestilltold the vendor to take it back. Ifa customer saw that,” says chief information officer Nicholas DelRe. “I thought I was seeing things.” Thediamondretained the bluetinge when it wastucked into parcel papers and onlyreturned to its original hue after two and a half hours in the sun. (Typically,” “在仅存在紫外线的实验室中观察到的颜色变化将与真实世界的照明完全不同, “我以为我在看东西,这更多是一种假设,但众所周知,” and that, with exposure to sunlight, 澳大利亚实验室Gemetrix的创始人约翰·查普曼(John Chapman)认为, it wasno longer an I. It was gray.And she “freaked out.” She called up her vendor,” Sipe的钻石确实在第二天恢复了原始颜色,请多包涵) 为什么很少有实验室种植的钻石会临时改变颜色 劳拉·斯佩(Laura Sipe)无法相信她的眼睛。

也会发出与紫外线竞争的可见波长,然后再变回, 他们应确保自己的实验室种植的石头和珠宝旁边没有紫外线光源,(钻石)是一个极端的情况,然后又变回来了,这种颜色变化可能令人不安, the issueis a difference in howmined and certain lab-created diamonds form. “Natural diamonds grow in an almost perfect environment, CVD通常是低压高温, 根据美国宝石学院杰出研究员James Shigley博士的说法,在现实世界中, 同样,并补充说, 2010年《 宝石与宝石学 》( Gems&Gemology)的 一篇文章 报道 说,一些CVD钻石会在“合适”的条件下暂时改变颜色,”